Now I'm feeling inspired (and less intimidated) to grow some garlic! Do you make house calls to help?!

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Never knew all the hidden gifts of garlic! Magic is all around us. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

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This is so great! I’ve never grown garlic (believe it or not). Not sure why but I am so excited to start! Thank you for the inspiration!!!!! I’m excited.

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I love the smell of garlic cooking in the home. Thank you for sharing insights on growing garlic and the broth recipe. Amazing what we can learn when we take the time to notice the beauty of life unfolding around us!

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What a cool and insightful article! I am not a gardener myself, yet this article is inspiring to me on many levels. Thank you for the wisdom.

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Love it. And agree 100%. I make sure to dedicate a full raised bed to garlic every year. Play with a few varieties, 4 different ones this year - did you see the elephant garlic! thats a new one, biggies! (of course come summer, i forget which ones I planted where and just eat them all).

Agreed on all the protection too, it's like the Thieves essential oil blend, warding off the 'pernicious qi' we call it in Chinese Medicine. Thanks for sharing so many details.... and this right here is the real magic "When we stay rooted in life, we remain strong and steady. We won’t get knocked down when a big life event rears its ugly head." Love how you stated that sooooo clearly. Amen! xoxox

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