Lately, I went back with husband to be at sea. It brought back memories of his sea duty. We had less then, less stress, less resources, only simple means. It was much uncomplicated. Today, we have more but way more complicated too. Working toward less now to embrace a simpler frame of mind and simple living.

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I love this. Simplicity allows for more awareness.

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We went to hike in Big Sur w the boys. It’s getting harder to carve out the time. Sports, piano, play dates. But it re energizes me and I love the memories so we made it happen. The picture in my head was a beautiful hike and picnic near the ocean. But the flooded river too full and fast to cross with the baby changed our plans. We didn’t know what to do. So we watched a few brave expert hikers and REI regulars cross the pathway with mixed success. Lots of laughs and failed plans later we decided to bag it and go to lunch instead. Ha! I’m not sure if the kids would have differentiated this hike from the dozens others we’ve done in this magical area, but this day and attempt will now always be a funny memory. And funny brings us closer to each other more than anything.

Thanks for the question :) it’s nice to share!

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The weather has shifted and being outside is like a warm and loving hug. The warm sun healing my soul, the crunchy dead grass tickling my bare feet, the surprise of squishing in mud in a spot the sun has yet to reach, the spotting of crocus and tulips rising up through the decaying leaves. warm nourishing soups shifting to fresh veggies. Supposedly we have one last bit of winter to come before spring decides to stay. I just love the seasons of life, literally and figuratively. I am soaking in every moment of this magical time, the shift of seasons is so very beautiful.

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